In what ways does mindfulness relate to Jewish observance and practice? I believe the idea that a person be fully aware of what he or she is doing and appreciate it is central to Jewish practice and observance, and is the epitome of kavannah.

The Gemara discusses the principle אין עושים מצות חבילות חבילות we do not double up and bundle mitzvos together and perform them at the same time. Therefore, if one was in a meal that carried into a Shabbos or Yom Tov eve, one may not use the same cup of wine that is used for the recitation of bentching for the recitation of kiddush. The Gemara Sotah (8a) discusses more applications. 

What is the basis for this principle? There are different opinions with slight psychological nuances. 

All is these ideas, particularly the last one, underscore the importance of mindfulness to realize joy in life and observance of the commandments.

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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